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The Eighth Zhenjiang University Students' Intellectual Property Knowledge Contest and the Theme Activity of Jiangsu University on the World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Successfully Held
发布日期:2024-05-06   浏览次数:

On the occasion of the 24th World Intellectual Property Day, the 8th Zhenjiang University Students' Intellectual Property Knowledge Contest and Jiangsu University Theme Activity on the World Intellectual Property Day 2024 was successfully held on 19th April with the theme of Building a Common Future through Innovation and Creation. This activity was hosted by Zhenjiang Intellectual Property Office and Zhenjiang Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-hosted by the School of Intellectual Property of Jiangsu University and the Committee of the Communist Youth League of Jiangsu University, with the attendance of Li Hong, Vice President of Jiangsu University, Chen Wanxin, Deputy Director of the Propaganda and Education Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Intellectual Property Office, and Zhai Chunhui, Director of the Intellectual Property Office of Zhenjiang City. More than 300 people attended the event.

Zhai Chunhui, Director of Zhenjiang Intellectual Property Office, delivered a speech at the 8th Zhenjiang University Students' Intellectual Property Rights Knowledge Contest, in which teams from eight universities, including Jiangsu University and Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, showed their abilities and competed fiercely.

Li Hong, Vice President of Jiangsu University, delivered a speech at the theme event, which unveiled the prelude to the theme activities of Jiangsu University on the World Intellectual Property Day 2024. At the event site, Zhenjiang High Performance Materials Industry Intellectual Property Alliance was officially inaugurated, Tang Heng, Secretary of the Direct Party Branch of the Intellectual Property College of Jiangsu University, released the 2023 Great Intellectual Property Events of Jiangsu University, and Cao Zhen, a researcher of the Institute of Intellectual Property Research of the New Structural Economics, released the Zhenjiang City, Biomedicine Patent Navigation Report. At the theme event, the College of Intellectual Property awarded scholarships to students with good academic performance.

In the end, Jiangsu University won the first prize of this year's IPR Knowledge Contest, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology and Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Transportation Technicians won the second prize, and Jiangsu Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, Jinshan Vocational and Technical College, and Zhenjiang Higher Polytechnic School won the third prize.

The whole activity was successfully completed, through this activity is not only conducive to the creation of respect for knowledge, innovation, honesty and law-abiding, fair competition campus cultural atmosphere, but also open up the vision of intellectual property rights of college students, enhance the intellectual property literacy and ability.


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