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Intellectual property undergraduate major becomes popular choice for students across campus to change majors
发布日期:2024-07-22   浏览次数:

The undergraduate programme of Intellectual Property will be established in 2023, which is covered by the second-level cross-disciplinary doctoral programme of "Intellectual Property Studies". The School of Intellectual Property innovates the "five-in-one" mode of study, research, competition, training and practice, adopts the cultivation method of "researching undergraduate education" and the cultivation mechanism of "dual tutorship" inside and outside the school, and strives to cultivate students with "high quality" and "strong ability". The university has adopted the "research-based undergraduate education" training method and the "dual-mentor system" cultivation mechanism both inside and outside the university, and strives to cultivate high-level, cross-composite intellectual property specialists with "high" quality, "strong" ability and "sophisticated" level. Since the first enrollment in 2023, the college has guided students to participate in scientific research projects, disciplinary competitions, innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and all kinds of sports and arts competitions, undergraduate scientific research projects a total of 6 projects, including 4 funded projects, the number of projects accounted for 21% of the total number of projects, 2024 college students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme school-level projects, of which the national (recommended) project 1, the cumulative total of our students in the school level, provincial level, national level disciplinary competitions 23 people won awards, national disciplinary competitions 23 times, of which won the first prize (the highest prize) in the undergraduate group in the national finals of the 2024 National Colleges and Universities Business Elite Challenge Accounting and Business Management Case Competition, won the first prize in the 11th National College Students' Entrepreneurship Comprehensive Simulation Competition in the Jiangsu Provincial Selection, and won many awards in the varsity-level Computer Design Competition, the Patent Information Literacy Competition, and College Students' Innovation Competition. Award-winning.

Recently, our university is carrying out the work of 2024 undergraduate students to change majors. Since the start of the enrollment of this change of majors, the undergraduate major of intellectual property has attracted the attention of many students in the university, and students of all kinds of majors in science and technology, liberal arts and other majors have applied enthusiastically. According to the statistics of the university, there are 15 majors in the whole university in 2023, and the number of students applying for transferring majors exceeds the target of accepting the plan, and the intellectual property major of the university is one of them. This phenomenon not only reflects that the students of the university are interested in the intellectual property major and the work in the field of intellectual property in the future, but also shows the students' concern for and recognition of intellectual property professional training, and highlights the importance of the university's role in cultivating complex and high-quality talents. This phenomenon not only reflects the interest of our students in intellectual property and their future work in the field of intellectual property, but also shows the attention and recognition of students to the cultivation of intellectual property talents, and also highlights the remarkable results of our institute in cultivating compound and high-quality talents.

In the future, the School of Intellectual Property will continue to adhere to the concept of student-centred education, continuously optimize the mode of intellectual property talent cultivation, and provide more students who are interested in working in intellectual property with a broad space for development and a platform for growth. At the same time, in order to let the students who have changed majors quickly integrate and grow in the new environment, the School of Intellectual Property will also provide a full range of support and assistance to help the students who have transferred into the school to quickly understand the professional knowledge system, and arrange academic tutors to provide one-on-one guidance and formulate personalised learning plans to help the students to grow rapidly in their own professional fields and lay a solid foundation for their future career development!


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